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Modern C++ basic features

First part of Moden C++ training. This is not a prerequisite to participation in Modern C++ advanced features. Both sessions are independent and cover other features of C++11, C++14 and C++17. Big key features like move semantics, lambda functions, noexcept or constexpr are in described in detail in separate sessions.

We will write or analyze such code

  template <typename T>
using StrKeyMap = std::map<std::string, T>;

StrKeyMap<int> my_map; // std::map<std::string, int>  
  const vector<int> values;
auto v1 = values;   // v1 : vector<int>
auto& v2 = values;  // v2 : const vector<int>&  
  struct A {
    virtual void foo() const final {}
    void bar() const final {}   // compilation error, only virtual
                                // functions can be marked as final

struct B : A {
    void foo() const {}         // compilation error, cannot override
                                // function marked as final

Your abilities after Modern C++ basic features training





Order Modern C++ basic features training

Related trainings

Modern C++ advanced features

This training covers other modern C++ features: attributes, constexpr, noexcept, data structure alignment, structured bindings, lambda expressions (in short) and review of other useful features.


More on type deduction with auto and decltype

Move semantics

The key feature of C++11 covered in detail in a separate session.

Lambda expressions

The key feature of C++11, enhanced in C++14, C++17 and C++20 covered in detail in a separate session.

Już uciekasz?

Zanim to zrobisz, zapisz się na Ninjaletter, aby wiedzieć, co piszczy w C++. 

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